In my Patreon campaign, I've set up reward tiers with the future in mind, especially for high-dollar and long-term backers once I really start making new cards. At this point, these high-dollar rewards mostly include what are effectively art commissions, as well as autographed poster prints of an ever-increasing roster of cards I'll have completed. These posters of my upcoming cards will range from 11"x17", all the way to 24"x36". Once I get a decent roster, I'd love to vend posters of my art at conventions. (I could probably offer posters of my old beta cards in the meantime, but no bigger than an 8"x10" print. They're nowhere near as big as what I've got now.) I also try to offer early access to speed paints if I remember to record them. What sort of other rewards would you like to see me offer on Patreon?
One thing I'd like to keep from the beta version of The Vulpine Tarot is the occasional nude character; tasteful, but not overly explicit (In terms of Newgrounds ratings, probably rated Mature,) which leads me to the next of my big questions: Do I offer prints of the NSFW cards at all, and if I do, how do I best go about acquiring proof of age from prospective buyers? Because of the NSFW nature of some of my cards, I'll eventually have to mark my Patreon as 18+ only, but I only have one backer at the moment (thank you for being my patron, bee tea dubs; you know who you are,) so I want to gather a few more backers before I do. In addition to selling prints at cons, I'd love to have an online shop outside of Patreon. If you're an artist who sells prints online, where did you set up shop?
PS~ I recently posted a new background experiment I did for The Vulpine Tarot on Patreon. Pledging as little as a dollar will get you early access to it before October 10th at 8AM EST.